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In the present times of ruthless competition, the only survival strategy for enterprises is to grow and adapt to new technologies. The COVID-19 pandemic has expedited this digital transformation for enterprises have realized the need to invest in software that are scalable and secure in order to meet the current demands that are statically different from that of a pre-pandemic world.

Almost all the organizations large and small have been leveraging the benefits of open source for the past few decades now and for this reason open source has often been described as the innovation engine that will continue to play a pivotal role in driving the success of modern enterprises.

Here are few reasons why enterprises can benefit from open source technology:

Open Innovation

Innovation is the key to tackle competitive pressure, attract new generation, leverage latest technologies and keep your business relevant. The greatest advantage that open source provides over proprietary software is the unprecedented contributions by its large community. The fastest way to develop reliable software is by using open source technologies because instead of starting everything from the scratch , you can look for the available codes and tools, experiment, build and modify them as per your requirements. Truly, Open Source has proved to be a pioneer for revolutionizing innovation.


Open Source Code is visible to everyone which also means that the vulnerabilities are also visible to everyone and  hence fixed more quickly. Since it receives more attention, open source provides frequent testing, regular upgrades and unmatched security. A secure and transparent code not only helps the open source community but also ameliorates the reliability and security of the enterprises dependent on it directly or indirectly.

Cost and Availability

Lower cost of ownership provided by the Open Source is one of the major factors that has attracted the business world the most. Enterprises can save a lot on operational and implementation cost as open source technologies are either free or fairly inexpensive. The add-ons are fairly cheaper than the ones provided by  the proprietary vendors. In addition to cost effectiveness, the availability of open source technologies over the internet combined with dedicated online community ensures the best support possible.

Quality and Flexibility

The increasing customizability, higher quality software and access to latest technologies provided by Open Source has accelerated the adoption by enterprises. Working on existing components allow developers to focus on higher value contributions by saving the time on traditional efforts. The stringent vetting processes ensures efficient and agile solutions at low cost.


Undoubtedly, Open Source is the future. It is high time that enterprises recognize the need to invest in products that are innovative and constantly evolving to keep pace with digital developments and increasing market pressure. As open source enables developers from different places, cultures, backgrounds and organizations to collaborate and work together quick deployment of solutions having  breakthrough quality is what the community focuses at.